+44 (0)1736 787638 info@kurtjackson.com
Kurt Jackson: The Burn - A Scottish Millstream


The Burn – A Scottish Millstream

March 19 – August 14 2021

In the spring of 2012, Kurt Jackson followed the Kintyre peninsula to its southern end, arriving at a glinting, rushing burn between banks of celandines and kingcups.

He stayed in an ancient water mill that was in perfect working order, but lay silent, frozen in time; every functional cog and wheel unworked for 50 years.

Jackson trailed the stream from its loch high on the moor past the mill and down to that dark coast with pencil line and paintbrush stroke, tracing every curve and meander, overhanging tree and washed rock.

Kurt Jackson: The Burn – A Scottish Millstream
March 19 – August 14 2021.
Jackson Foundation, St Just,
Cornwall, TR19 7LB.

Please check here for opening times.

Survival International Logo

This exhibition is presented in collaboration with Survival International, of which Kurt Jackson is an Ambassador.

During the run of The Burn – A Scottish Millstream, our Upstairs Gallery space will be exhibiting Echoes of a Vanished World, a beautiful selection of photographs by explorer and Survival International co-founder Robin Hanbury-Tenison.


email: info@kurtjackson.com
telephone: +44 (0)1736 787638

facebook: jacksonfoundation
twitter: @jacksonfgallery
instagram: @jacksonfgallery


Jackson Foundation
North Row,
St Just,
TR19 7LB.

View On Map.

Opening Hours
(Until March 1st)

Mon: Closed.

Tue: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Wed: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Thu: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Fri: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.​

Sat: 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm.

Sun: Closed.


Check here for detailed opening periods.